A spoon full of sugar (and some help from Famous Frames) helps the medicine go down!


Often when we hear medical jargon, the majority of us glaze right over. Famous Frames medical and pharmaceutical illustrators are professional artists that collaborate with clients to translate complex information into imagery suited for broad audiences. For medications, hospital care, diet products, skin treatments and much more, our artists employ a variety of techniques to communicate a clear and concise message. 

For instance, in this piece by Micah Ganske, we can see that combined elements of photo composition, 3D rendering and graphics to create a clear picture of what might otherwise be an incredibly complex description of a medical technique:


Medical illustrators are visual problem solvers. Their contributions are vital in developmental stages of Medical and Pharmaceutical advertising. From simple imagery like this doctor at work by Alex Lanier


Or these images from Nick Randall showing a variety of patient care in a hospital:


To more specific and technical images, like this rendering of a body in motion by Lidat Truong


The growing need for patients to better understand the state of their health and their medical options is expanding the production of medical information aimed at the public. Advances in graphic and imaging technology are making it easier for clients to relay to consumers what was once abstract, tough to grasp information.

In addition to still imagery, the Famous Frames animatic studio can bring your spot to life with the help of animation and sound. Animatics and Boardomatics can be used by directors to perfect scenes or campaigns before production. Creating an Animatic or Boardomatic can help prevent errors in the stages of production and post production. For more information or to hire an animatics artist please contact Famous Frames.