Famous Frames is happy to support our clients and artists with a message of inclusivity. Here is some work we have done for brand’s Pride and LGBTQ support.
Advertising is one significant way for companies to communicate their values. Companies like Ben & Jerry’s, Oreo, & Starbucks are among the businesses that have featured same-sex couples in their advertising.
(Fun Fact) Ikea was the first brand to feature a same sex couple in this 1994 spot:
According to Ad Age: “Last August, Hornet and Kantar published a study that revealed the LGBTQ+ market has expanded to a total buying power of more than $1 trillion. It’s the fastest-growing demographic in the U.S. right now, with an estimated 13% of Americans identifying as LGBTQ+. The explosive growth in this population is being driven by younger generations, with 20% of millennials and a staggering 31% of centennials comprising the community. And it just so happens that these are the generations that care the most about purpose-led brands and can easily sniff out those who are only in it to profit.”
Micah Brenner captured the spirit in these shooting boards for The CW’s “Batwoman,” which stars Ruby Rose as TV’s first LGBTQ superhero:
Well’s Fargo has a 25 year history of supporting Pride. June 2017 marked 25 years since Wells Fargo team members first marched in the parade, and 30 years of the company supporting the LGBT community. Art by David Larks:
Artist Mike DeWeese worked with RuPaul, one of the most well-known, pop culture faces of the LGBTQ community, and for good reason.
The iconic, gender-bending drag performer has been slaying the game for over 30 years, and is the driving force behind the popular reality TV competition. Enjoy some some art for Drag Race:
To All our LHBTQT+ Friends and allies, have a save and happy PRIDE 2019.